Very interesting visit to this tiny country. Ex Soviet Republic and after the collapse the Russian speakers, predominantly on the east side of the Dniestra river felt they would be 2nd best in the country vs the Romanian speaking west portion.
Nasty war broke out and one town on the West side was eventually taken by the East. Now Russian peacekeepers are there.
Transdniestra declared independence but is only recognized by Russia. They have their own currency that isn’t convertible outside the territory. They still have a lot of Lenin statues and Soviet symbols around. Crossing into it you require a passport and be prepared to answer some questions.
The entire territory is run by a Monopoly called ‘Sheriff’ they have been accused of illegal arms manufacture. The stadium cost 300 million Euro and is built in the poorest territory of the poorest country in Europe.
Lucky to meet a Moldovan heading over the border the next day so I had a Russian speaking travel buddy that helped a lot – thanks ! Павел Капет
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